Through Farm for the Future, UTASS is offering free support to farm businesses across the dales, to understand more about the changes that are coming through the Agricultural Transition Plan and how businesses can prepare for the future.

All businesses signing up to Farm for the Future in 2023 will be offered support between then and 2025.

We are starting new programmes across Teesdale and Weardale in October 2023. 

Places are limited. To sign up you can give us a call at the office on 01833 641010 or by clicking here for the online form.


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Once you have signed up you will be invited to come along to:

  • A business skills meeting
  • An environmental meeting

Further meetings will be arranged in response to what the farming families signed up for the programme tell us they’re interested in. Examples of meetings that we have delivered previously include:

  • Making the most of your muck
  • Succession planning
  • Countryside Stewardship or SFI?
  • Animal health (cattle and sheep)
  • Is diversification right for you?

Free one-to-one support is on offer to help you to look at your specific situation and help inform your plans.

Farm for the Future is being delivered in partnership with the Royal Countryside Fund and farm support groups from across England.

Funding is provided by Defra’s Future Farming Resilience programme. Please note you can only sign up with one provider.