Non Technical Skills

Lantra Non Technical Skills in Farming (E-Learning)

The free course is available to everyone and looks at identifying non-technical skills, situation awareness, decision making, and task management in farming.

The course covers non-technical skills and how they can be used to improve farm safety.

A pre-course and post-course survey must be completed to track changes in attitude and behaviours after undertaking the course.  

Upon successful completion, a Lantra certificate of training will be available to download and print.

This course is available online via the following link: Non-Technical Skills in Farming – Lantra e-learning

Get in touch with Julia for more information –


Cost: £FREE

Need Help or Support?

If you're interested in this training but need help. UTASS can offer help you get the support or funding you need to take part.

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This training course is demand let. We won't have any dates until the demand for the course is met. If you want to this training, please complete the form below and we'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.

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